Friday, March 25, 2011

Looking for pictures/Benefit Dance Event by Step Play

We are currently looking for pictures from 20th.
If you have some, please share them with us to tinyhandsbigloveATgmailDOTcom!

And those who have left your contact and have not heard from us.
So sorry.
We have sent out e-mails to report about 20th, but some of them are not quite readable..
We will try to fix it asap.

Meantime, we would like to announce some benefit events that are going on this weekend.

Steplay  are having a benefit dance event for the Earthquake and Tsunami relief.

Date: March 27 Sunday 8:30PM
Place: Ballet Arts (6th Floor)
130 west 56th street, 6 floor (Bet 6av and 7av)
Price:$15+ pay as you wish donation.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Final Report of March 20th.

Dear participants of the benefit concert on March 20th,

Thank you so much again for coming out to support the benefit concert
for the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami relief by Tinyhands' Big Love

Thanks to every single one of your help, we were able to collect
$4192.55 in total.
As of March 23 Wednesday, we successfully transfered all the money to
Medicins Sans Frontiers Japan (doctors without borders).

As we have said, we believe it is very crucial to continue our support
toward the cause as a long-term mission and we would like to hear your
honest feedback to make this project more sufficient and functional.
If you have any questions, or wish to participate as volunteers,
performers, or artists in the future, please feel free to reach us.

Also, please remember to check our facebook page
(  for more information about
on-going charity events in NYC and our next benefit event.

Deepest gratitude and much love,
Tiny Hands' Big Love Project







Tiny Hands' Big Love Project 一同

Monday, March 21, 2011

Thank you!

Thank you so much for coming out to support the benefit concert tonight.
We will make a report as soon as possible so please stay tuned.

For now, let us send you all our deepest gratitude and love.

Tiny hands' big love project.